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, June 9, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --Accedian, the end-to-end network performance experts, announced today that its professional services and network assurance technology helped Brazilian mobile operator TIM Brasil attain Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) 2.0 certification for its nationwide Carrier Ethernet business services in Brazil. The carrier received official recognition as a certified Carrier Ethernet 2.0 service provider on May 5th.
Accedian worked with TIM Brasil through its PASSPORT professional services portfolio in preparation for the carrier's MEF 2.0 network certification and also trained TIM's engineers to become Carrier Ethernet Certified Professionals (CECPs), as verified by MEF exams.
"This prestigious certification is accepted worldwide as the standard for service level agreement-backed business services," said Keith Donahue, Accedian VP for Product Management and Services. "By achieving it, TIM Brasil becomes the first carrier in Brazil to offer MEF 2.0-certified enterprise-grade services, opening up new business opportunities - particularly in the wholesale market."
"TIM Brasil has always considered itself to be a premium wholesale partner," said Marcelo Duarte, Wholesale Director. "This certification is the confirmation of our network and connection quality, allowing us to partner with the world's largest service providers. Accedian's support has been central to us achieving this 海星高中附設國中key differentiator in the global marketplace."
MEF 2.0 certification requires a robust set of requirements, including:
- Meeting multiple class-of-service and application-oriented metrics and performance objectives, as well as interconnect with other providers;
- Proof that all network elements and equipment meet CE 2.0 standards;
- Ability to provide standardized services to other providers seeking an interconnect partnership in Brazil.
TIM Brasil, Telecom Italia's presence in Brazil, is the second-largest mobile communications operator in Brazil (67.3 million mobile lines nationwide) and country's largest 4G coverage provider. Its fiber network covers more than 70,000 km. TIM provides retail, corporate, and wholesale specialized services, using a unique and multiservice carrier grade network.
Accedian is recognized as a leader in performance assurance solutions that allow mobile network operators to provide a new level of user experience with exceptional reliability and quality of service (QoS). Accedian works closely with their customers to provide comprehensive professional services to help operators become recognized as premier, performance differentiated providers in their region.
Accedian PASSPORT Services' team of MEF certified professionals is backed by expertise gained by working with over 80% of the world's top Carrier Ethernet service providers, and over 12 years supporting Carrier Ethernet deployments worldwide. Accedian has trained hundreds of engineers to become CE certified.
About Accedian
Accedian delivers exceptional end-to-end network performance visibility, for control over the best possible user experience. Providing the most complete, current view of network health, Accedian dramatically improves visibility with actionable insights for peak reliability and quality of service (QoS). Accedian enables control over increasingly complex networks to increase agility, and reduce cost. Most importantly, through a fully optimized and performance assured network, Accedian proactively ensures maximum uptime and for peak quality of experience (QoE).
Since 2005, Accedian has assured hundreds of thousands of networks and services globally, turning performance into a key competitive differentiator. For more information, visit Accedian.com. Twitter:@Accedian
About TIM Brazil
TIM is the second-largest mobile communications operator in Brazil and its mission is to connect and care for everyone so that they can do more. The new motto – "Evolve is do things differently" – highlights the evolution of the company in the country and its innovative and pioneering approach, leading many market movements.
The company wants a new relationship with the customers, working based on the pillars of innovation, quality and user experience. A demonstration of this commitment is the R$ 14 billion investment in Brazilian operations over the three-year period culminating in 2018, focusing mainly on infrastructure. TIM is the leader in 4G coverage in Brazil, reaching 60% of the urban population in 439 cities.
TIM is alsothe only company in the telecommunications sector in the New Market of Commodities and Futures Exchange of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA), recognized as having the highest level of corporate governance, in addition to being part of the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) and Carbon Ef?cient Index (ICO2). It is also worth noting the initiatives of the TIM Institute (www.institutotim.org.br), which seek to create and enhance strategic resources for the democratization of science and innovation in Brazil.
For more information, visit www.tim.com.br, www.twitter.com/timbrasil or www.facebook.com/timbrasil.
For further information: Accedian Media Contact: Duncan McKean, CCgroup, +44 7500 875614, accedian@ccgrouppr.com